Pros and Cons of Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Over the last 15 years, dazzling bright smiles, once associated only with movie stars and celebrities, have become far more accessible to consumers. Pharmacy shelves are lined with gels, toothpastes, appliances, strips, and other means by which we can cosmetically whiten our teeth a few shades. For those seeking a longer lasting solution, many dentists offer this procedure as well. Whether you whiten your teeth using an OTC preparation or undergo this procedure every few months in a dentist’s chair, here is some information you should know about the pros and cons of whitening your teeth.

Reasons to Undergo Teeth Whitening Procedures

  • Improved appearance: as we age our teeth darken and become discolored. In our youth-oriented society, having whiter teeth can take years off our appearance as well.
  • Boosts self-esteem: anything that improves the way we look heightens our feelings of self-worth. This can have a positive effect on our work life and personal lives as well.
  • Many dental insurance plans do not cover teeth whitening procedures. However, EDP Dental Plan members receive a 25% discount off the regular price for this and other dental procedures performed by specialists.

Caveats Concerning Whitening Your Teeth

  • As professional whitening procedures include chemicals such as bleach and peroxide, some patients have reported excessive sensitivity to the procedure and even have developed sores.
  • To keep whitened teeth from discoloration, avoid drinking red wine, tea, and coffee. Smokers may try cutting down on their cigarette consumption. Even fruit and soy sauce can darken smiles.
  • Teeth that have been whitened professionally may require routine touch-ups or risk their teeth returning to their darkened state over time. If going this route, teeth whitening will become an ongoing expense that must be budgeted. Getting a discount dental plan like EDP can greatly reduce the cost of maintaining your white smile.

Our teeth can become stained over time from our eating and drinking habits. While there are many whitening processes available, it is also not a procedure that is recommended for everyone. Whitening is not recommended for those whose teeth were not naturally white to begin with, nor for those with crowns or veneers, or with tooth sensitivity. As the procedure is cosmetic, most dental insurance plans will not provide coverage, however, a discount dental plan like EDP Dental will. If you do not have dental insurance, EDP Dental Plans provides an affordable solution to the high cost of keeping our mouths healthy. Our plans offer discounted procedures over a practitioner’s regular fees. This creates substantial savings for our plan members. Even cosmetic procedures such as teeth whitening may be discounted. To learn more about our discount dental plans, call us at (800) 777-1085 or enroll today.

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