What to Know Before Your Dental Surgery

Dental Surgery

When you are referred by your dentist to a specialist for a procedure, you’ll doubtless have questions during the initial consultation. Here we’ve prepared a list of questions you should ask to ensure you both reach an understanding of both the procedure and the steps you can take to ensure an optimal outcome.

Questions to Ask Your Oral Surgeon Before a Procedure

  1. Why am I having this procedure? Are there alternative options? It will establish rapport and confidence in your oral surgeon if you reach an understanding as to why the procedure must be performed and why surgery has been elected over any other option.
  2. What can I expect during my procedure? Given a basic overview of your surgery will help minimize any hesitation or fears. Many patients just want to to know where the incision will be made, medication they will receive prior to the surgery and the goal of the operation.
  3. What kind anesthesia do you plan to use and why? Your oral surgeon will review your medical history and determine which anesthesia is best for you. Any history of sensitivity or allergic reaction may rule out some options, but will definitely influence your surgeon’s decision.
  4. What risks or complications are involved? Every surgery carries a degree of risk. To best manage surgical risk or complications, your dental surgeon may ask you to refrain from certain activities, foods or medications prior to or for a period of time after surgery to speed recovery and to promote an optimal outcome.
  5. How long will the procedure take? (How long will I be under anesthesia?) There are several reasons to know the expected duration of the procedure. It is likely that someone will have to drop you off and pick you up afterwards, also it may be necessary to take time off from work, school or other daily responsibilities.
  6. How long is recovery? This information also will assist with personal scheduling.
  7. What post-op medication(s), if any, will I need to take? Sometimes post-op medications are prescribed. These should be picked up prior to surgery so that after surgery one need only focus on recovery.
  8. What should I eat post-op? With the possibility of stitches in your mouth, your oral surgeon can give you a list of foods to avoid for a time to prevent bleeding and food particles adhering to the surgical site.
  9. When can I resume normal activities? This is an important question to ask your dental surgeon as levels of activity vary from individual to individual. It is especially important to know when you may resume exercising and working out.

Did you know that most dental insurance does not cover the cost of most dental surgery? However if you do not have dental insurance, EDP Dental Plans, which is not dental insurance, has affordable plans that offer discounted dental procedures at great savings. For more information please give us a call at (800) 777-1085 today!

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