Foods That Naturally Whiten Teeth

foods that whiten teeth

With so many teeth whitening products available, it’s difficult to know which ones are safe and effective. Fortunately, there are certain foods that help to clean, strengthen, and naturally whiten teeth. In fact, many oral health benefits can be found in common foods that may already be in your kitchen!

Get Crunching

Crunchy foods act like natural toothbrushes during meals. They work to actively scrub the surface of your teeth and massage your gums while you eat. Apples, sesame seeds, nuts, carrots, celery and other raw vegetables are just a few examples of foods that have just the right amount of crunch to whiten teeth.

Naturally Wash Away Stains

Saliva production is actually very important for oral health and actively helps to naturally whiten teeth. These tasty saliva-producing food options are sure to brighten your smile:

  • Foods that contain malic acid including apples, pears, and strawberries can brighten your teeth.
  • Citrus fruits like grapefruits, oranges, pineapples, lemon and lime, “rinse” teeth naturally and also serve as stain removers.
  • Cheese, milk, and yogurt are rich in calcium, phosphorus, and protein, which can protect tooth enamel and prevent decay.

While certain foods can help naturally whiten teeth, regular oral health maintenance, including frequent brushing, flossing, and regular cleanings from your dentist, are vital in keeping your teeth white and bright.

To keep your chompers in tip-top shape, schedule your next dental appointment today. EDP Dental Plan provides the ability to choose your dentist from one of New York’s largest network of dental providers that provide top quality care.  Enroll online or call (877)-327-8376.

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