Family, Couple, and Individual Dental Plans Explained

First, a quick overview: EDP Dental Plans are not dental insurance, rather a “reduced-fee-for-service” discount dental plan. Here is how it works: members pay a predetermined reduced fee for comprehensive dental coverage. Among the many benefits of these discount dental plans are no deductibles, no forms to fill out, no age restrictions or clearance required before you may have your dental work performed. EDP Dental Plans are available for individuals, couples and families. Each has a one-time registration fee of $19. You may pay annually, monthly or select a multi-year commitment at a reduced price. One of our dental plans will be the right fit for you.

EDP’s Individual Dental Plans for Singles

EDP understands how difficult it can be for singles to budget. Housing and transportation are chief priorities. If an employer offers dental insurance coverage it is most often as an option which many opt out of, thinking that they can save money. Dental health is important for overall health and it is not a good idea to forgo dental visits because you do not have coverage. EDP Dental Plans provide our members with coverage that is both easily accessible and easily within their means. In fact, EDP’s low-cost annual membership fee often pays for itself on the member’s first appointment. Individual Dental Plans from EDP provide an affordable solution to maintain sound dental health. Enroll today!

EDP’s Couples Plan

When couples make plans it is often for the future: a house, a family, vacations, education and retirement. They may not consider the high annual fees that their dental health insurance plan may be costing them. EDP’s modest one-time $19 registration fee plus $199 covers a couple for a year. (A multiple-year commitment is available at a greater discount). For couples, becoming EDP members offers greater monthly financial control. They can easily see that their dental care will cost them by reviewing our General Dentist Fee Schedule. On average the savings range from 46% to 77% depending on the procedure. Unforeseen dental emergencies necessitating oral surgery can become a financial burden as these procedures are generally not covered by dental insurance. EDP Dental Plan members, however, may have procedures performed by specialists at a substantial discount; providing both peace of mind and extra cash to save for future plans.

EDP Discount Dental Plans for Families

Even when an employer offers health insurance, it can be very expensive. However, families have more dental expenses than individuals and couples, and seeing a specialist is often not covered by most dental insurance policies. For families without dental insurance, the expenses can add up quickly. Just checkups and cleanings for the entire family twice a year can create a financial burden. There is a better solution- EDP’s Dental Plan for families. The EDP plan saves members up to 60% on general dental care. The cost (plus a modest one-time $19 registration fee) is $249 per year.

EDP Dental Plans make seeing the dentist affordable for everyone. If you do not have dental insurance and want to save money while maintaining your dental health, call EDP Dental Plans today at 1.800.777.1085.