Think You Cannot Afford Dental Care? Think Again!

For most of us, the thought of going without dental care is not acceptable. We understand that a checkup and two cleanings every year reaps health benefits that far outweigh their cost. But what about those who work for themselves, or for companies that do not offer dental insurance coverage? It comes as a shock to many that the Affordable Care Act of 2012 does not provide dental coverage for adults, only for children.

It is also difficult for seniors and those living on a fixed income to accept that Medicare does not cover most dental procedures. Medicare does not cover dental cleanings, fillings, extractions, dentures, dental plates and other dental prosthetics. The solution all too many without access to dental insurance accept is to forgo dental care entirely, thinking that brushing and flossing alone will keep their teeth and mouths healthy. This would not be the case if they were aware of affordable dental plans that cost only a few dollars monthly.

What some may also not realize is that good health begins in our mouths. If we allow our gums to become diseased, we soon lose teeth and possibly our good health. Researchers at the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry have discovered that people with gum disease were twice as likely to die from heart attacks and three times more likely than those with healthy mouths to have a stroke. Gum disease has been linked to a number of serious and potentially fatal illnesses including heart conditions, diabetes, respiratory disease, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. The good news is that there is no sound argument for not having dental health coverage. While not dental insurance, discount dental plans, such as EDP Dental Plans, make trips to the dentist well within their budget. It is no myth – there are affordable dental plans which make maintaining one’s good health well within reach.

Affordable Dental Plans from EDP

One of the best ways that EDP Dental Plans make dental care cost-effective is by the different plans that they offer. There is a plan for singles, couples and families. There is an affordable dental plan for everyone. There are no exclusions, plan memberships are open to all. Members pay a modest enrollment fee and may either opt to pay their annual membership in full or have the payments broken up into monthly installments. This breaks down to mere pocket change per day! Members receive discounts of up to 60% on routine procedures and 25% off a dental specialist’s regular pricing for procedures and dental surgery.

When those covered under their employers dental insurance carrier require the services of a dental specialist, they are in for a rude awakening. Dental insurances does not cover specialist procedures. Patients, even with dental coverage, must pay entirely out of pocket. EDP Dental Plans practitioners offer members a substantial discount off their normal fees for services by oral surgeons, endodontists, maxillofacial specialists, periodontists, pediatric dentistsorthodontists, and prosthodontists.

Having an affordable dental plan does not mean having to accept poor quality dentistry, either. EDP Dental Plans have high qualification standards and attract the best local practitioners. Many new members are pleased to learn that their current or long-time family dentist already participates in the EDP Dental Plan program.

The question is not, are EDP Dental Plans affordable, but how can anyone afford not to have one? For any questions or to enroll, we invite you to contact us at (800) 777-1085, today!

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